Meet my studio!

Zen-Yoga Studio was founded as a result of my interest in yoga and meditation. The changes in the last years of my life inspired me to share my knowledge and experiences with others who have entered or intend to enter the path of personal and spiritual development.

ZEN and YOGA are two universal philosophies that have a lot in common, although they arose in different places and times. They stand above all structures and divisions: religious, political, racial and cultural, created by humanity.

ZEN and YOGA initially set the direction for my transformation, they taught me how to live, look inside myself, accept everything that appears, my weaknesses, imperfections, humility and, at the same time, strong faith in my abilities.

Few words about me

Until recently, constraints on my mind blocked the view of the world. The day in my life was dictated by work, fitness, friends and shopping. I did not see many signals sent to me by the universe, until finally the two most important parts of my life, private and professional, collapsed.

Today I know that any change will happen, we need to close some doors so that others can open.

Client reviews

„I really recommend Hatha Yoga classes with Joanna. I’m a beginner, and I’m already hooked up on these relaxing 90 min classes: warming up, breathing with stretching, strengthening of your body through asanas. I’m fond of the relaxing part at the end of each session you leave flexible, energised and serene. The room is very inspiring and encourages concentration. Joanna is very professional and a real pedagogue.”

Wioletta W.

„I am happy to recommend Joanna and Zen-Yoga. I’m a veteran of 100 plus lessons and I am feeling (and hopefully looking!) a lot better. Joanna pays close attention to individual strength and flexibility and works from there. It’s a lovely space too and I’m happy I discovered her!”.

Jan L.

„Od jogi odchodziłam i wielokrotnie do niej wracałam. Długo szukałam swojego miejsca. Do Asi trafiłam przez przypadek, tak się najczęściej mówi. Dla mnie to nie był przypadek. Pokonałam strach przed nowym i odnalazłam spokój. Moje miejsce, które mnie uzdrawia, nastraja pozytywnie na odbiór świata zewnętrznego i daje wsparcie fizyczne i psychiczne…dlatego to nie przypadek, to zrządzenie losu.”

Kasia T.

Do you have a question?

Write to me using the contact form below. I will answer as soon as possible 🙂


ul. Kostki Potockiego 2b m 117
(parking vis a vis wjazdu do garażu)
02-958 Warszawa


tel. 602177477